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Category: Thinking Out Loud

Publically Judging Believers

I am uncomfortable with the dissonance between Christian love and grace, and unrestrained and personal public attack on other believers over matters less significant than the explicit command of Jesus to display love for each other as evidence of being His disciples for all men to see. I’ve written this to explain and teach what I believe is a significantly more Scriptural posture regarding public rebukes for those prone to indulge in the opposite.

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Judge Not… Or Not?

Are we allowed to judge? Didn’t Jesus say not to? One of the most common retorts to an assertion of absolute Truth confronting moral relativism is, “Jesus said, ‘Judge not lest ye be judged!'” When people simplistically throw this verse in your face as apparent proof of your weak Christianity, they only prove they have not read the whole chapter, placing that verse in context.

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Everything prior to 2015 was not written for this blog, but imported from a previous one I maintained called The Philtheist. Apologies for any formatting inconsistency. I'm updating the layout as I have time.

What is the "People-Pleasing" Gospel

It is because God is good that we can be saved and go to heaven, not because we are good. This isn’t a “people pleasing Gospel”, this is what Jesus promised when He said “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” So what IS a “people-pleasing Gospel?

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You Can’t Make Voters Think!

WHAT IF ballot papers had no political information, no party identifications, just names?

What if voters had to actually learn about the candidates seeking to represent their views, their family, their financial interests, their freedom?

It is harmful, and the height of hypocrisy, that a country boasting freedom and democracy like ours compels and penalises failure to participate in that freedom.

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On Public Rebuke

This article is not by me, but merely an internal reference for the sake of another article I did write, Publically Judging Believers, in which I rebut this article. “As with so many things biblical, there is a lot of...

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William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce is a shining example of what a politically engaged Christian can achieve. He left behind a great legacy of leading the English abolition of slavery, and also achieved the position of English Prime Minister. But his philosophies, and idealism, and unflinching resolve against the greatest legally and socially acceptable, popular immorality of his day remain inspirational to those who believe it’s their patriotic and Christian duty to take a stand and actively oppose injustice and immorality, and to balance this with sound character and relationships – no easy feat!

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My Father Made This!

Some of my best thinking and articulation happens in response to challenges. I love being driven back to fundamental doctrines and Scriptures to scrutinise and consolidate my beliefs, and to then communicate this back to the conversant. An acquaintance recently challenged my response to another challenge of my faith in God as the Creator. Here’s how that conversation went…

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God Says

You are not who others said you are. There is more in you. Hear what God says! You are special. Before you were born in your mother’s womb, God knew you.

I won’t let poison come out of my mouth, tearing anyone down. I will let the Spirit of God come out of my mouth, building others up.

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Beyond Blue Goes Beyond True

Equipping a society to maturely and respectfully disagree is far more progressive than to argue a universally acknowledged issue in conjunction with a far from concluded, divisive issue. The very sad thing was your motives for mixing the messages was the predictability of its divisiveness.

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Abolish Human Abortion

John Wesley writes to us now, regarding God Almighty raising you and I to oppose the modern evil scandal of our faith, country and humanity; in opposition to the whole, self-titled “pro-choice” world. Confident that God has raised us up for this very thing, we are confident we will not be worn out by the opposition of human or spiritual forces. His voice from the past, relevant for ever regarding the abolition of immoral atrocities, encourages us now.

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Healing is His Will For You Today

Let’s choose to establish a confidence and faith in our hearts, based in the Truth in God’s Word that healing is God’s will for us, despite the facts of present circumstances that would persuade us otherwise. Twelve spies agreed on the facts, ten responded in fear, but two responded in faith & lived to see the facts change to align with the Truth of God’s Promises. Let faith, blessing & life be your response today, and not fear, cursing & death.

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Do You Believe in Aliens?

Some people who have no problem believing in aliens, struggle to believe in God. Others categorically deny the possibility of a literal reading of the Genesis account of Creation, or even intelligent design; but believe life on earth may have been “seeded” by advanced aliens…

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Reinforce Marriage

Advocates of changing the definition of marriage love to tell me to mind my own business: that what happens in their bedrooms doesn’t affect me. Well that may be true, but I didn’t try to change the laws, the constitution, or the institution of marriage itself. What you try to do in my country’s government absolutely is my business, and you can absolutely bet I will not be silent when you take your business from the bedroom to capital. You made it open for public debate, so don’t resent a public debater.

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Be Faithful

Sometimes we feel unable to do what Jesus is asking, likewise the disciples asked for more faith. “Even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed…” Jesus said to the disciples, and us, “You already have faith, you just aren’t using it. You need to increase your faithFULNESS!”

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Dealing With Depression

Depression is a very real & debilitating condition.
It’s not a bad attitude. It’s not merely weak responses or poor choices. It’s certainly not a sin. It’s a state of health as valid & real as broken bones. And it’s common, approximately 1 in 3 people will be affected at some stage in their life.

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If Only!

Mark 5:24-34 (NLT) [24] Jesus went with him, and the crowd thronged behind. [25] And there was a woman in the crowd who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years. [26] She had suffered a great deal from many doctors through the...

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